Hi, I have my house made a mess of figures at the moment...
I rescued also old ideas.. I should go on with the 9 Ringwraiths..
At least I completed a selection of candidates for the 9... (actually 9 mounted + 9 on foot)
My idea is definetely to make armoured individual Nazgul (like Bakshi film or other representations, as Angus McBride ).. Anyway I will keep one or two just with cloaks as the P. Jackson version
I made a nice discovery some months ago: these Ral Partha "wights" are very nice.. I bought the set, and I took for team nazgul just the one with helmet and the other with hood+sword 8the one with scythe will go to my undead army) They are true 25mm figs, which means they match good with 1/72 (in the bigger side )
Tee selection comes from:
-TUMBLING DICE (metal) Crusaded Brethen Knights-Foot and mounted
(nice looking with diverse semi closed helmets, capes and cloaks and mailed armour)
-Some heroes from rare metal Minikinght sets "Lord of Fantasy Series" (also several interesting amroured guys with wome evil looking...)
-PLastic Gamepieces form War of the Ring Boardgame
-PLastic Game piece form BAtlllore 2 Ed-Expansion "Heralds of Dreadfall"
-One plastic Continental Man-At-Arm from Redbox
-Ral PArtha Wights as mentioned
So here my selection, all together (with three already painted figs till the moment)
After painting them, I will still need to choose the Wicht King among them... And my plan is to find a flying beat or wyvern as mount for him in the Pellenor fields..
Here my first idea (again Ral Partha, a 15mm model).. But in my taste it looks too tiny..
Maybe I go for this another whuch is bigger (Orc Wyvern from demonworld range. . I love Demonworld...) It costs however around 12 eur!!!