jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

Work In Progress. The bridge of Khazad Dhum

Hello, Just yesterday I decidid to develope a fast project.. I found by accident the "Fire demons" figures form Dark Alliance set  lying around in my figure collection, while tryinjg to give some organization to it and to my upcoming works... Sadly as many of you already realized, my working table and also my shelves and boxes ara a total mess...

While taking the demon in hand, I remembered instantly the Fellowship of The Ring movie from Peter Jackson , when Wizarsd Gandalf the Grey  fights one the big Demons of Morgoth, the Balrog , in a very iconic scene, when he says the following Words to the Demon. (I could not find the original Tokien text, must search deeper)...

I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass!

I will represent this epic scene, A small old human looking wizard with a Sword and a staff stays in the Way of a thousands year old Giant Fire Demon creature, who tries to catch him and his scaping companions down..  Shall the Monster Pass or not?

.. However I  relaized that, even if the concept of the figures is good, the final result is a little silly or dissapointing..specially because of the Wings size...


These strange wings  made me also think in the old Bakshi version, a lovely film, but with some horrible effects at some points.. The Lion-Butterfly  Balrg was an example...

But anyway the Alliance figurtres themselves arre quite good and aprroppiate.. 
Specially the demon of the right , who has a good pose and has exatcly the same Head and horns ans the Peter Jackson film

So I had to find new bigger wings for the Monster..And I was lucky..  I find in my mess another strange demon-monster with Bat or dragons wings big enough for the BAlrog of Morgoth!! Just some surgery needed 

For Gandalf, although I like much the wild bareheaded version in the film (as Gandalf hast lost the Hat during the scpae form the Moria goblins), I found a plastic figure from game "BAttle of the Five Armies" which looks quite apoprpate, This figure wears Hat and looks the same as... guess who???  Gandalf in the old Bakshi movie!! hahaha.. i chose him!

Here first test of Balrog wirth new wings and first tets with thick wire to make the final element of the monste, apart from the fire sworr: The Fire Whip!!!! This element is very iconic, and appears in the film as well as in the Book.

 Must be long, and I have to simulate fine the dinamics of fire combined with the natural curves of a whip movement, produiced by the user´s hand and gravity!!! It was  difficult but also funny..

All this decisions, first works and tests wew made in only 2-3hours

I was quite inspired, I even watched the Move scene again!!

I had even time in the sam enight for quick painting Gandalf.. this figure is very easy and grateful to paint (some detail stilll missimng, but tunic, hat and beard are there.. What else is Gandalf the Grey???

In the bext morning I primed the Balrog black... Only this and the monster already looks scary

Good looking, isn it??

Next progresses soon

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