lunes, 15 de febrero de 2021

dwarves are slow (II)

Hi, very small progresses on the Vault Wardens..

I completed shields for 2 companies, each company including 4 teams of  shield warrior +Pike warrior

I gave the Pikemen really solid and sturdy weapons, taking som 28mm sparesparts from other bits i keepre..  Which really look appropiate for these kind or Warfare! 
The formation is comlpicated to create, but it gives good visual result.. The goblins will have real troubles to go trough this dwarf  steel wall

(My free advice for you:Never throw away any plastics even if it is out of scale.. it will be soemday...)

Hope to paint them any week...

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2021

Dwarves are slow....

Hi, I am really not doing much in 2021...Bit I have plenty of ideas..
I have new rulesets to test as dragón Rampante and Oathmark (this last looks very promising..)
The problem is always getting enough painted troops...
I started some converted dwarven Vault Wardens, supposed to be heavy Dwarf Warriors, organised in Teams  of two troopers: One with huge tower shield and after him another with long pole stick or pike. They are able to block tunnels and galleries with the shield and from there, Pierce wave after wave of goblin marauders...

I chose some interesting poses from Alliance dwarves and was able to get some nice 3d printed shields...
evem Looking too Big, after a cutwork they do the job..Let me introduce my first Teams of  Vault Wardens or "dwarven Mine riot units"
The 3d resin is by the way quite frágile..I did some damage on the Shields..well, war under the Mountain is probably quite harsh.
I am Also planning some units of Miners and Rangers with lighter gear.