In the moment when I should push forward to Tolkien, I went however stronger to Game of Thrones Unverse and a did a pretty effort last days. I will make several and different posts, but first of all let me show you my own WHITE WALKERS / THE OTHERS BEYOND THE WALL
These fellows are some kind of mysterious sobrenatural beings, which belong at the begining of the History just to old tales for children and Legends of wars against the first Men, but actually they show themselves as a cruel reality and threat with some magical Aura and magical ice-weapons...
and most important of all, their leader , the Night king, is able to bring dead back to life to form a really growing dreadly and effective undead army!!
First some inspirational pic I used for the first grapich research;

To find the first candidates was much easier than expecred..
The not very popular 1/72 Light Alliance Elves set are usually dismissed because the figures are too tall, too thin, a little ugly. for being elves. ...
They have however long hair, ellaborate suits partially armoured suits and strange refinated weapons... so:
I took some of the poses armed with swords, daggers and short spears.. Actually that is what ressemble smost of the TV recreation of these creatures...
Then just removing pointy ears and added some beard from green stuff and made an effort in the painting ( easy for face and clothes, difficult to het the brught scary blue eyes..)...
Then: There is the first apparition on the series, where the Walkers seem half-naked, but always scary and riding a horse, ready to launh the first mass attack against the Night Watch expedition beyond the Wall ( more or less the same time when Jon Snow "deserts" the Watch to the wildlings..).. I loved this scene a lot

I needed some different candidates for this version, And they were also available!
Some tall, thin mummy egyptian warriors form very valuable miniatures game ARCANE LEGIONS! See picture below (grey figures on the left)
So here is this scene representation:

And the other fellow on foot was also included:
Finally: the walkers have a powerful leader.. The Night King.. Then I needed all my skills to get the very specific look with that face, small ice horns, characterisitc suit... It took really a long while...
Figures from Orion byzantines (funny pose guy who were for me useless till last week), Strelets norman archers (too many of these useful spare guys around!) ,
and for the head.. I needed some bald , pointy nose evil looking character.. It was long too but i realized I had some goblin pieces from "Battlelore 1st edition" Boardgame.. It worked after severe cutting work,,

For givng a nice goodbye, some pictures After made som play with light and colour in the photo, we can feel really into the further north bveoynd the Wall...
(By the way, playing with taking photos, light and colour can also be a part of this hobby.. I started realizing not long ago..)
Hope you like it!! More Game of Thrones Works coming soon!!