jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy Dwarfcember

Hi, First I wish you all a Happy Christmas time diring these so unexpected situation..
I made celebraron ay home, only me with Mrs Sceava Domina and my three Sceavimini. Sushi, Pizza and Cartoons, and ready for waiting Mr Papá Noel .aka. S. Klaus. A different Christmas Eve, calm, simple and Happy anyway.

Now I show you some last results with resin 3d printed figures from Speira Miniatures : Dwarf slayer Grungnir Gotreksson and his Wild daughter Falya Grungnirsdotter.
Beautiful models with very good results even with an "amateur" painting as mine.

Then an old project which I could retake: beside the special figure from Alliance cimmerians, I took one increíble Warrior girl, again from Speira mins:
By Crom, let me introduce to you Conan the Barbarian, and Red Sonja she-Devil with a sword !!!

Pictures if them but also other mixed Pic with different 1/72 figs and the previous Dwarf family for comparison
Finnally: As an addition to my Dwarf forces , another Speira Dwarf, a good Runesmith, for whom I found a good mobile Anvil-platfom... (It is a plastic Dwarf miner vagon /grudge pony from GW Warhammer Fantasy Battles...Bought at second hand just Today..marches so good my 1/72 dwarves...My last Christmas present)
Just started the project, but I like It...Please imaginé It for now as an Alternative Santa- tribute on Mithril sleigh :)

Should we start a new year tradición for this month of Dwarfcember??

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2020

Time travelling

 Hi, ley me show you what I found in local 2nd hand shop..

Original loose unpainted Revell Normans, Gauls, HYW English and hyw French...

And extreme cheap!!

I Will go for more..It is my chance to repaint them all with my nowadays 2020 fortunately better skills than 1995 

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2020

Epic Sunday Experience

As it was cold, we have a funny family entertainment, my three little children leading the forces of the  Living against my army of the Dead

Of ourse, it is very educative for little boys and girls to command  wild warriors , men of the Night Watch and armored noble knights, in order behead  dad´s zombies and using Noble Maidens to throw magic spells to heal troops and weaken the enemy :)

My second boy had not Fear in thworing all warriors in a direct bloody berserker charge to my forces.

Total succes. 

Very recommendable  Experience :)

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2020

Big Buddies

 Hello, I painted these children some weeks ago but finnally I made some pics

The technique I used for the Trolls was really fast and effective (Necrotic yellow as priming-base and then soft shade with blue..it works!!)They Will join my Big orc Horde

Then I painted a Big Hills Giant...I liked his "scottish" look..:)

Hope you like that, including the Big unicorn...