Hello! a second Battle report in less than 1 week!
This time Stannis Baratheon, King in Dragonstone, after killing his brother Renly and adding his forces to his army instead of attacking Kings Landing, goes to the north and tries to make a surpirse attack on unaware the forces of House Stark, trying to make the North surrender to him before going for the Throne of Iron. Ser Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight is acconpyning him, as well as his Queen Selyse and his daugter Shireen

By the way Ned Stark is alive and is together with his son Robb and his master of Arms Rodrik CAssle... he does not undertsand this attack at all... Is this the influence of the Red Woman?? No one knows but the battle is about to start..
Stannis deployment (my Army)
-Heavy Champion horse Knights on the right flank.
-Steady center with 2 heavy units:
Wardens with shield+hammer
Stag knights with 2hand weapons (this latter commanded by Stannis himself),
Left flank, Sentinels (medium armed men-at-arms with hand weapons on both hands), a littte more mobile than center units
Strategy will be keep compact and hit as true hammers, where and when possible

Stark deployment
A dense formation: Umber berserkers with Robb Stark on the right (increased speed), Outriders (fast medium striking cav) next to them , stark longbowmen and field Commander, Ser Rodrik, on the left with Stark swornSwords (medium, courageous infantry)
Left flank extrem: Direwolf Greywind, trying to take any advnatage on enemy flank or rear
Strategy of my brother in Law Jose is to observe what I do and launch any attack where my strong units would show a weak point
The Non Combat Units:
Queen Selyse and Princess Shireen Barahteon
Ser Davos the Onion Knight
Lord Ned Stark (supporting the northern army from the Headquerters,, still injured from the fight in Kings LAnding when he was Hand of the King, but able to scape and give Battle orders)
Arya Stark (indisciplined but dangerous girl)

Battle starts in the center of the filed: the strongest Baratheon infantry (Stag knights) advances firmly with his king. Some arrows get at them but damage is minimal.
Confidence in Stannis and the Lord of Light is high
Baratheon left flank: Sentinels advance and they are charged by the outriders, both units get some casualty.
Berserkers and Robb advance to get in conctact with the Stag knights
Baratheon right: the heavy Horse advance towards the Stark Swrodmen and Ser Rrodrik.. there is also a giant wolf around...
The stark outriders are not able to keep a steady fight against the baratheon setinels.. they retreat to a safer position after getting (and inflicting) some more casualties
General view: Barathoen heavy inf advances slowly but confident. berserks are a little exposed, but they dont fear any fight and go on.
Stark Archers and swordmen on the rear, and Baratheon haevy horse also advancing
Berserkers and stag knights clash!!!!
berserkers are wild, but baratheon armor and hammers are strong...
Berserkers suffer comparatively more from this fight than their enemies
Baratheon heavy horse knights charge!!! Greywind tries to get advantage on the flank, but the heavy horsemen go first for him, confindent in not having much problem from the brave but not heavy armoured swordmen.. Poor Greywind dies, but the knight pay however some price foit that.
Now a steady fight starts, and baratheon heavy horsemen with maces are perfect for that...
Last moments for Robb stark and the berserkers.,,, The Stag knights were too much for them...
Outriders attempt another charge on the sentinels, and are succesfull this time. The baratheon unit is finnaly destroyed, but the strategy on disrupting the fight on this side was succesful for Stannis for enough time,,, The strong centre contingent is keeping strategic points and scoring VP, and they have nothing else in front of them but some pooor archers trying to make cuasualties shot after ahora...
Indeed the stag knight ranks start to be weaker after much fight and arrows.. But the God of Light is still with them and King Stannis
ser Rodrik and the Stark swornswords can not stand longer against the Mounted knights... Baratheon are victorius on the right flank
Stannis destroys the archers but receive a last, desperate charge form the brave surviving outriders, from the flank!!
They almost kill the king!!!.....But then they got their last punishment with a combined attack... Last cavalryman retreats from the field definetely...
King Stannis keeps as Master of the field with still three combat units. Robb has fallen prisoner and Stark Army is disbanded
Ned Stark will have to think his loyalty once more,.,,,
The barahteon Faction is really a Rock. They dont need compicated plans but keep on ground together and advance to the enemy if necesary or just wait for them...
Poor Jose was trying to use the versatile and agressive Faction Stark (which I also like) but had not good luck or choices,,,
....Epilogue.. The true Baratheon Warden unit which was suppposed to be on the field dissapeared whe we were mountign the game table... I was crazy looking for it, and after 20minutes I had to replace the with spare figures on a white tray as you can see above in all previous pictures.
After the fight I found them.. Lost in the Shoe´S Shire... :(