domingo, 29 de enero de 2023

Battle report: The Kraken Vs the Small Lion


As promised, here the battle report after I tested a first Greyjoy List Vs a Lannister Field Army

Maybe Theon convinced his Father to join the war on Stark side? Maybe however Lord greyjoy did not care where to ravage and pillage?

Well, a light raiding Force under Theon´s Command is facing a regular destacament under command of Tyrion Lannister "Halfman" on the field, supported by his brother Jaime "the Kingslayer" and Gregor Clegane "the mountain that rides"

As non combat units, Theon has logistical and spiritual help from his sister Asha and his Uncle Aeron , priest of the Drowned God. 

The Lannister brothers have his sister Queen Cersei and Peter Baelish "Little finger" operating in the diplomatic and intrigue "room". 

My friend Gabi is already an expert on this faction an his big lot of "tricks" and "treasons", Game will be funny. 


Greyjoys Deploy /form right to left flank)

-IronbornTrappers (light inf with lances)

-Ironmakers (heavy houscarles with armour and 2 hand wepaons). Inlcuding Theon as general

-Ironborn Reavers (medium warriors with shield and handwepon)

-Ironborn Archers (archers with light armor)

Kept on reserve (in ships?) to arrive after turn two and try to take by surporse the Lanister forcres

-Ironborn archers

-Ironborn Reavers 


Aeron Greyjoy

Asha Greyjoy

Here the four initial units on the field:

Lannister deploy:(from right to left flank)

-Heavy knights of Casterly Rock on horse

- Clegane Mountains Men, commanded by Jaime Lannister


-Lannister Halberdiers including army general, Tyrion Lannister

- Gregor Clegane, The mountain that Rides, solo unit on horse

Cersei and Littgle finger

Tyrion on his armor and his famous 2 bladed battleaxe in the unit of halberdiers. On the right you find huge and infamous Ser Gregor:

House Clegane Mountain men, commanded by Ser Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer:

Lannister deployment (Horse knights not in the pic, next to Jaimes unit)

Batlle starts! Infantry blocks advance and the heavy Lannister knights seem to be far away...

...However, Some good initiative and tactic cards and NCU plays, allow the heavy horse with cavalry lance to charge the reavers  flank in the first round! you can see the result.. 
Bad start for the men of Iron

Ironmakers suffer some crossbow bolts but are able to charge and injure Ser gregor in the flank, as he was too exposed;

Fast and light Ironborn  trappers join to the party and they tear the mounted behemoth down! 

After the reavers on greyjoys left are destroyed, the archers stay too vulnerable.. Even if they shot down some Jaime´s men...

Greyjoy Reinforcements appear on rounds 2 and 3, but the knights destroys easily the second reaver unit (not time evento make a picture of them!),which had attacked previously them! from the rear !!! and then the  first archer unt, just to pivot back to face the second Ironborn archer unit. Jaime too turns  to go back to the other side of thebattle .
Defense and moral saves are too weak in general for Greyjpy faction, if not boosted.. And prince Theon seems not to be an inspiring leader...

Anyway, the Ironmakers with him get to attack Tyrion and the HAlberdiers, but suffering heavy losses.. The crossbowmen eve nshot at them the  from the rear...

at least the fast and agile trappers were able once more to charge the halberdiers flank..

..Bad moments for Theon and his standard bearer... Halberdiers keep the ground inspired by Tyrion with his axe, and rest of the greyjoy capital unit is already dead,,,

In the meanwhile, The knights finished the last archers, inlcuding his armoured captain..

Last Fight between Tyrion halberdiers and the trappers keep fierce.. 
The light armoured lancers keep hard to kill and inlfict many wounds on the  disciplined, armored professional soldiers...

But as the Victorius cavalry arrives, there is not much more to do.. the last Greyjoy man dies Bravely and earns a Honour place in the Hall of the Drowned Warriors

Well, that was over... Great Lannister Victory.... Gabi did not get the 10VP, as my army was totally destroyed before.. Only 1 VP he missed,,,

 Just 2VP won  on my side...

I felt these greyjoys were nothing else  than Sea rats, but lets see in other ocassion.. Maybe if Asha commands them result is different.. 

(Indeed i have to learn mucb of this faction,. They are light, fast ,able to strike good and having bonus from "pillage" as they make casualties on the enemy.. But I was not able to. They missed too much moral , and the suffered much form really hard units commanded by a good player and all their tricks)....

As conclussion: Tyrion earns his  acclamation "Halfman! Halfman!! halfman!!

Theon is now a poor prisoner,,,

Next time with a true Daughter of the Kraken on the field, result will be something else!!

domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

Men of Iron- The Sons of the Kraken

Hello, back after many months...Sadly I did not Paint anything. I collected however old figs to being my ethernal Game of Thrones Project back to Life.

I made now just some charachters for House Greyjoy : The not consistent Prince/prisoner  Theon and his though sister Asha, as well as a nice Kraken standard bearer...
then I just filled the ranks improvising with some alrady painted saxon, viking and normans as this House rules the Iron Isles which are supoosed to be inhabited by a raiding pillaging warrior culture which can be matched by those Historial examples I did...(slogan is "We Do Not Sow")
Yo can "apreciate" my different painting techjnique Evolution from old revell in the 90s to some more recent (and better) strelets results..

Tested them also in a Battle...some report un a pair of days