domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021

undead Knights

Another bunch of fantasy custom figures, 
This time, 17 undead Horse Warriors AMD thierbundead mounts...100% 3d printed home made!!!
I mixed several designs of horses and Riders..I experienced some trouble with the scaling down from original 28mm heroic scale..But after just Two trials, creating suitable bases and shields (which I did not print so craftwork required) and other adjustements for legs-saddles (as any plástic set), voila...

I believe they Will look fierce and scary enough, Riding from Death bAck to some Battle...

Hope to Paint them Soon and also mix with those Army of the Seas, Alliance sets 

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021

The Nine-But eighteen??

 Hi, I received the Black Riders from Alliance ..Indeed accurate representation from the 9 Peter Jackson Ringwraiths/Nazgul, including a foot witch King and a mounted Mouth of Sauron...

some if the poses were added to my own custom Horse and Foot Nazgul (with armors and Helmets, quite inspired by Ralph Bakshi old film and other old references)..So I completed  9 of each!!

Easy fast painting Work of black-grey-white

I Will also make another flying Fell-Beast conversión and the remaining figures Will be possibly painted as genéric ghosts por wraiths for Undead fórces.

domingo, 18 de abril de 2021

Blood is Life..

i was having fun experimenting with Two further 3d printed, this time some Bloodthirsty creatures...
Do you think the painting schem work?

domingo, 4 de abril de 2021

Way to Mordor

Hi, I was diving too Deep in 3d models and printing...
i collected too much material...I was able however to print only a few things and Paint even less..But quite Happy with some product
Ley me show you Two small Brave Halflings from the Shire with a difficult task.   
Some other plástic and printed figures added for comparison (that Gandalf really ressembles actor Ian McKellnen, believe me..)


miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021

Lots of 1:72 printing!! (or Succes and Fail..)

I started to develope some addiction to this new aspect of our hobby..

 I will never stop buying happily new releases from our traditional plastic figure manufacturers, but the use of a 3d prints at home is something reelly great ..
For example, This treeman is superb (and Huge but I do not mind so much for that) ..and also extreme cheap comparign to some equivañlent plastioc or metal market version

Monsters are funny.. But you have to realize, what supposes for my conscience, to find or create any humanoid type figure that you like at any size, and rescale that inmediately to teh best approach to our 1:72 old friends..

In some hours you got totally new figures for your Universes!! Much less limits now.. Dont need to wait for monates ofr a relase and then discover that the awaited figures are too high or too small in reality.. That can be adjusted by you.. An quality of some good sculpted models is incredible.. Judge by yourselves..

Skeletons (Model form creator Highlands miniatures) 

Then after getting n contact with our admired Plastic General Jack and his generosity in providing some incredible files, I also followe dhis steps and printed som 1/72 warhammerque goblins.. Obtained size direclt from the sample is quite close to Caesar old friend, which is happily tmy favourite size for a 1/72 goblin!!

The foot types match good with othe rmembers in my collection, as well as the wolf riders (smaller than warg riders form Alliance, but it suits to me as light moutned forces. I had also some wolves in similar size)

My greensin armies will be soon reinforced...

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2021

First Company of Dwarven Vaul Wardens Finished

Hi, finished first 4 Teams of shield bearer+pike dwarf

Shields were printed in  a resin 3d pritned, Pikes from 28mm spare sprues and dwarves were recuited among Cesar , Alliance set I (theis set was good having several extra-heavy warriors and spearmen),  and Alliance Set II.

Quite happy with results!!! I had problems to find a dood colour scheme for the shield, they had to be metallic but not bright and looking heavy and quite hard to pierce...Well manufactured  and with some artistic detail,m but not very fancy always dwarvish.

The formation I obtained looks quite alive and convincing in their defensive Warfase poses...Hope to test them at some point if I make more and more dwarf units.

Naxt day more dwavish post are coming after I painted my first own 3d printed smaples.. Sadly it seems we made them too big! A new try must be done

..First new 3d own figure preview...Damn out of scale people next to Balin!! :(