martes, 20 de agosto de 2024

A good Sample of Bolt Action- Omaha Beach

Hi al, as suggested by one of the best visitors of this blog, I Will break my honour code and post also non 1/72 posts, IN ORDER TO GIVE MORE LIFE HERE AND SHOW MORE ACTIVITIES :)

Let me show one of the Bolt Action games that I regularly play with some Friends in local town (the search of Human company was one cause to jump into 28mm world)

Bolt Action is a nice and agile Game from British company Warlord , inspired in WW2 small infantry combate (level company, you can have aroung 50figs and some artullery and 1-2 vehicles in the table).

 Each unit activation is always a surprise as the players have to take a dice from a bag (each player have different coloured dice for their Army, so you Never know if you are next player ot he is your oponent).

That makes definetely all planning to break down from the beginning and makes the uncertainity of War quite matched for the players.

I asembled and painted a Germán late Army Including some parachutists (Fallschirmjager) which I Will show in other posts. (Nightmare of camouflage patterns..) Now I am busy with some soviets...

This Report of today time will show how we developed some home rules for playing the disimbarking innsome sector of Omaha Beach with a little cliff as if It was "Petite Point du Hoc") :)

The game developed fine.  The north americans will try to capture the Top of the cliff and at least 1 bunker. 
(I was Happy on my 88mm battery  and some MG42 which made hard shots in the attackers.)

Preparing the table with the two nice 3d printed landing boats of Luis (and yes, the 
Purple one should be better primed in grey..)

Germán defences scarce but fortified and ready to Fire:

The alone MG Team in top of the cliff..Will they be able to keep the objective?

The GIs comeninto Action! Some heavy Fire gets this first wave..

One boat gets impacted...the infantry has to jump unto the water and advance to land under fire

Second boat arrives  fine and troops disembark

Germán fire is Anyway hard..First Wave ends almost dpletwd

second Wave arrives with some Rangers with the misión of climbing the cliff..there is some hard Battle in the área , but the defense is weaker there

Time for a third Wave 

88gun hits on a transport which brings a self Propelled "Priest" gun! 
But rest of troops disembark and advance too close to the  the búnkers.. Germán infantry and guns fight hard, but they are under heavy american fire

the 88 gun gets neutralized!
and the GIs get coose to addault a casemate

Finnaly the Rangers get in contact to the lone MG42 team on the cliff, while a second square  advance even in land trying to surround the german main line

the end: we agree a Draw Game. 

Good efforts from both sides and no one won on this bloody sector. Anyway everbody know how the whole story Will end

As last picture, some artiscit work from my opponent Luis, as a true "Robert Kappa"

4 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Well, I have stuff already for a lot Normandy campaign and some Italt :) thanks Strategist

  2. Ah that's great! I'm sure you won't regret it! You just have to rename your blog, let me propose you: Sceavus_(almost)_all_1/72 :D

    1. Thanks Phil for encouraging :) Actually I have a lot to post from 2023 and 2023, I was just ashamed hehehe
