domingo, 18 de agosto de 2024

Battle of the Bastards

Hi all, sorry not to have written..I was quite involved with 28mm figures for Bolt Action AMD Saga .Maybe I post some of them for sharing Here, but I would feel ashamed as this blog was intended to post only 1/72 figures or things...

I came again to Game of Thrones Universe playing the famous "Battle Of the Bastards" which appeared in TV Series during sesión 6..

In one side we have  first ",Bastard" Jon Snow with some northerner loyalists as House Mormont, together with some wildlings , a giant and the support of Sansa, David Seaworth and Tormund Giantsbane, trying to recover Winterfell from the Evil hamds of  second "Bastard"Ramsey Bolton

In the other side, Ramsey brings huk of Bolton troops together with troops from some other. Northern House as Karstarks and Umbers.

Ramsey has youngest brother of Bin, Rickon, as hostage. However he sents him to his brother in a crudel movement to make his smaller army move first..

Rickon runs to his Half brother, who fvamces with his Stark guarde..the boy gets shot and dies..
Both Armies advance Wild for disputing the center if the field

We were able to replay the famous scene of Jon alone, Sword in hamd, against Bolton Cavalry!!!!

Fights are so hard in the center that both Ramsey and Jon Snow die....But Battle goes on..

Bolton troops try to surround the few remaining Stark units
Im turn 4, four corpse piles are placed n the center if the field, surroindint the objective marker. That represented the increase of dead people, as in tv . That gave moral bonus to Bolton but penalty to Jon troops 

But turn 4 was also the coming of the unexoected reinforcements of House Arryn brought by Littlefinger and Sansa.

Again, clash of Cavalry in Bolton flank re.i ded the TV show

After hard charges and combate, the Battle turns to Stark but Boltons keep hard Game and we had a Draw Game at the end (9pt to 9pt)

Indeed an exciting Game and quite balanced...

I am thinking to introduce some further hoomerule tonkeep both leaders a bit longer Alive (allowing Maybe to jum into another Unit if the original one gets destroyed..) that wss the only.part of game which was not so good, bith died quick, before battle clímax

Hope you enjoy my post!

7 comentarios:

  1. Very nice conversion-battle in the 72 scale! So the history of the Battle of Bastards has been chancheg, huh? ^)

    1. Thanks! Yes, the history changes a bit...but Ramsay is dead and Sansa is Alive..I believe most of northern House give alligeance now to her and North goes bak to the Stark Anyway...But I do not know how the War against White Walkers go on as the link with Night Watch and Free as folk dissapear

    2. So we need to continue your campaign to see whats going on here in the North then :)

  2. Hi Sceavus, nice to see you back in business! I love that report, in the spirit of the original books and TV show. Too bad you post only once a year :) And of course, it would be great to see your 28mm creations as well, there's no shame using several scales :D

    1. Hi Philip, so glad to read your comments :)
      Ok, I Will increase then through my "standard scales" postings. I have truly stuff there

    2. Hi Philip, so glad to read your comments :)
      Ok, I Will increase then through my "standard scales" postings. I have truly stuff there

    3. That's good news, and since I've just read your last post, I can say that it was a very good idea to encourage you that way :)
